What Are the Duties of a Student in Classroom Management?

While it may seem like classroom management is the sole responsibility of the teacher, a student's role in maintaining a healthy and positive atmosphere in the classroom is equally important. While teachers set the tone of a classroom, students have an integral part in ensuring that classrooms stay efficient and manageable through proper discipline, active listening, full engagement in classroom projects and peer-to-peer relations. 
Proper Discipline 
The single most important duty of a student in terms of classroom management is to obey the disciplinary guidelines that have been outlined by the teacher. Often, these tasks are simple: raising one's hand when one has something to say, not speaking over another, and respecting the space and belongings of fellow classmates. If students follow these simple rules, teachers are able to focus on teaching material instead of managing an unruly classroom. 
Active Listening
A definite duty of a student in classroom management is active listening. Active listening involves not just staying quiet while a teacher speaks, but also truly making an effort to fully absorb what the teacher is saying, explaining or teaching. Active listening is important for two reasons: firstly, it saves the teacher from having to explain things multiple times, and secondly, it saves the student from getting distracted. Both are factors that contribute to effective classroom management.
Full Engagement in Classroom Projects
For a classroom to be managed effectively, every student needs to be fully engaged in the project at hand. When students become disengaged, teachers must spend valuable time disciplining those students or trying to engage them once more. It is the duty of every student to give his full attention to whatever project the class is working on in order for the classroom to function properly. Participation is a major part of fully engaging in any classroom project.
Peer-to-Peer Relations
Perhaps one of the most poignant duties of a student in classroom management is her relationship with her peers. According to the website Cyberbullying in Schools, studies have shown that students who are bullied at school become withdrawn and do less well than their non-bullied peers on academic assignments, so the maintenance of cordial relations with classmates is of utmost importance. While the teacher should certainly be monitoring the class for any unscrupulous behavior, it is ultimately up to the student to ensure that she is treating her peers the way she would like to be treated.